Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What so spacial about family

Without a doubt you've heard that families today come in all shapes, sizes and configurations. Because divorce is so common, it's no longer unusual for children to be raised in households apart from their biological parents and with siblings who are their half brothers or half sisters or with teens or other children who have no biological relation to them at all.
Likewise, it's no longer unusual for people to have several marital partners during their lifetimes. Some believe such arrangements are simply the product of enlightened individuals seeking happiness. Many justify this casual attitude toward divorce, saying: "It's better for the kids to see us happy rather than fighting. The kids are strong and resilient. They'll get over the divorce and eventually have a new family." But rarely do they realize the full cost of divorce.
They too often assume that families are only temporary relationships until happiness ends or something better comes along. This, of course, is a monumental change from previous generations, which generally viewed families as fixed and stable for life.
It used to be commonly understood that, while new inventions would undoubtedly come along and change our lives, we could count on our families to remain stable. We would always have each other—for better or worse. But now the idea of disposable family relationships—lasting only as long as everyone in the relationship is happy—threatens to overwhelm the former perspective.
Humanly speaking, changing the definition of family may look like a logical decision to match the realities of our modern world. But this reasoning overlooks the teaching of the One who created families. God Himself is the originator of families, and His intent was that they remain the continuing source of happiness and support for married adults and their offspring throughout their lives.
Let's see how He did this and what He has in mind for families. Let's see what He says about brothers and sisters getting along.
God gives Adam a family
At humanity's earliest beginning, there was only one human being, Adam. As a single male, living alone, with no other human being around to share his life, he was not in what His Creator considered a good environment for him (Genesis 2:18). In resolving this problem, God gave Adam a family that included one wife, Eve, and, later, sons and daughters (Genesis 5:4).
God's intent for the children of Adam and Eve was that, as they grew up, they would marry and form new families. As God said: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). God wants people who marry to stay married. He hates to see divorce—for a husband or wife to leave and divide the family (Malachi 2:16). Further, God, in the Seventh Commandment, forbids adultery (Exodus 20:14), an important safeguard for protecting family relationships.
From the instructions He gave, it is clear that God wanted marriages—and the families created by them—to last. Surprisingly, however, God's purpose in demanding stable families is for far more than just providing immediate happiness.
What marriage teaches us
In writing to the church at Ephesus, the apostle Paul told husbands and wives to love each other and treat each other respectfully—just as Christ treats the Church. In concluding his discussion on marriage, Paul then made an astonishing statement: "This is a great mystery, but [in speaking of marriage here] I speak concerning Christ and the church" (Ephesians 5:32). Previously, in this same letter, Paul spoke of God the Father having a "family in heaven and earth" (Ephesians 3:15).
Paul explained that the human family is similar to our spiritual relationship with Christ. In this analogy, Jesus is the Husband, the Head of the Church (Ephesians 5:23), and the Church is the wife, the Bride (Revelation 21:9). Jesus died to make it possible for us to become part of God's family (John 1:12; Romans 8:14, 19). This has been God's purpose and plan from the beginning.
Just as God intended marriage to be a relationship of continuity and trust, so should our relationship with Christ be. In His relationship with the Church, Jesus will never abandon the Bride He deeply loves or betray that relationship (Hebrews 13:5; 2 Thessalonians 3:3). His Bride, the Church, is to be composed of individuals who are likewise faithful (Revelation 2:10; 17:14). God's eternal spiritual family will not be a temporary, disposable relationship.
A human marriage built on the same principle of trust gives its participants a small taste of this relationship with Christ. Family, as designed by God with inherent trust and happiness, was planned to give us a foretaste of an even greater relationship with God in His future kingdom.
Foretaste of our spiritual family
Given that families serve as workshops for insight into spiritual principles, how can we fulfill God's desires for us in our families? For starters, we can obey the Fifth Commandment, which tells us to honor our parents (Exodus 20:12). In learning to honor our physical parents, we indirectly learn to honor our spiritual Father.
If we are blessed with parents who love each other and are faithfully committed to each other, we see firsthand how to build and sustain mutual respect and love for others. Such families are safe harbors in a dangerous world of false values, deception and misinformation. The coming Kingdom of God, in the simplest of terms, is a large, happy family that will last forever. (For more articles on how parents and teens can have better relationships, check out the July - September 2002 issue of Youth United at This E-magazine is especially for young people, and this issue focuses on family relationships.)
Though most young people have disagreements and fights with their siblings as they grow up, having to learn to get along with brothers and sisters is good experience for later in life. For all the supposed hassle of brothers and sisters, relationships between siblings often turn out to be the most enduring. After all, family is family, and family members remain family. We may disagree with each other at times, but we remain members of the same family.
God is calling us to be part of His family too, not just for the rest of this physical life but for all eternity. And, as any good parent, God expects us to get along with our spiritual brothers and sisters.
I was the oldest child in my family, with a younger brother and sister. Although I didn't always treat them as respectfully as I should have, my life today is richer and more complete because of them. They remain among my closest friends.
Family generations
Time has a way of altering our perspectives. Now that my own children are grown, I have a deeper appreciation for, and agreement with, my parents' emphasis on everyone getting along and showing respect for all members of the family. I guess I'm just following in their footsteps.
Through the years my family and my wife's family have been sources of stability, love and encouragement to us. I appreciate long-lasting family relationships because they reassure me that God offers us the same kind of relationship.
So what about the new idea that families can be just any combination of adults and children? God says the ideal family unit is a man with his wife and children committed to an enduring relationship (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6; Ephesians 5:22-33; 6:1-4). This is the model to strive for.
Having been blessed with the great joys of a traditional family as our Creator intended, I have no desire to see the definition of the family, as He created it, corrupted. When I compare my experience to that of the many dysfunctional families and unhappy relationships we see all around us, it's obvious that God's way, as shown in the Bible, is by far the best.
But what if your parents have divorced and remarried and you find yourself in a blended family with a stepparent and new brothers or sisters? Are you and your family doomed to failure? Of course not! God makes provision for us to learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others and to have the opportunity to do things better the next time.
Your best course of action is to do the same thing any person should do—make every effort to make your new family work. Honor your parents as God tells you to do, respect your brothers and sisters—old and new—and remember your Creator. If we follow this approach, we can eventually be part of the greatest family of all, the family of God. GN
Do you think that Marriage is a bond between two soul but why we are escaping from it and what we are giving message to our next generation ?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Debate over Marriage and Sex

Yesterday I was going with my friend and discussing about sex and marriage. He has spent night with many girls,and he is bachelor and suddenly asked the question. Have you sex with any girl apart from your wife ? My answer was No! He was suppriesed after listening this answer.Then we started debate over this topics. I asked the question ,when you would get marry ,could you answerable to your wife,when she will ask the question ,have you any sex life before marriage.Then what would be your answer honestaly.He get started thinking over this answer,agin I asked the question ,have you sex with a carl girls.He answered me yes.Then again I asked the question ,have done sex with such a carl girl when you astonished over the girl,who was not looking earlier as a carl girl. His answer was Yes . Then I asked the question imagine when you get married such a girl who has relation with other before the marriage, could you accept her? His answer was so supprising . COULD YOU GIVE ME THE ANSWER WHAT SHOULD BE?
The GOD has given us valuable life and in which he has arranged a plan for Marriage with condition and that condition we take OTH to LIVE a honest life with partner. But where we are going in which direction. GOD knows better perhaps it is from our beyond of thinking

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Happiness is a journey, not a destination

This week I want you to embrace this thought: Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Think about this for a moment. We've been taught that getting the job, the relationship, the house, or some other want will bring us happiness. What often happens, once a dream is achieved, is that the happiness we longed to feel is fleeting at best, and then we quickly find ourselves thinking, "What else can I get to make me happy?" This thinking doesn't serve us. After all, how many times have we read tragic stories about the rich and famous, people who have money galore and every material desire, but still happiness eludes them.
So, the answer is not to stop dreaming and achieving our heartfelt desires, but rather to experience happiness on a more consistent basis -- to enjoy the journey. Here's another secret how you can do this -- treat yourself to some small, harmless indulgence on a regular basis.
If you do this, you are saying "yes" to happiness right now, not tomorrow or the day after, or 10 years from now. You are also expanding the positive energy around you. When this happens, you begin attracting people, situations, and material wealth like a magnet right to your side.
When you have a happy and positive frame of mind, , you set in motion opportunities that will enable you to achieve the things you want most of all.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Alright, I know this is going to be a touchy subject, but I’m diving in with both feet! I have always taken to the woman’s side in life and here on thoughts, but I got personal issues I need to get out in the open, this one’s for the guys! I never had luck with the ladies, and deep down that pisses me off! Guys, how many times have you fallen in love and been there for a broken hearted female and she wants to remain friends! I myself am referring to my high school days/early adulthood and not anyone here on thoughts! I mean, I got that a lot! Oh, I have a boyfriend, when I knew she clearly didn’t! Or they pull the friends card on you! I kind of felt like an emotional tampon back in the day! I know not all women are like that! But not all men are sex crazed pigs either! And what really puts a fire under my ass is all the macho guys got the ladies! Then the women would bitch when they got treated like shit! I grew so tired of “oh, he’s such a sweetheart!” Or, “what a great guy!” Yeah, but you couldn’t date a guy like me or others that actually cared like me! Why? I wasn’t bad looking! Well never mind me; I’ll just eat my pork and beans while the macho crowd has their steak and eggs! You should hear the way I hear those macho guys talk about the ladies! No respect! They care nothing for the female’s feelings. At least the way they talk that’s what I gather any how! But the sad part is, I am finding the shit they say to be true when it comes to a lot of women out there, I feel like a virgin in the battle of the sexes here! Day in and day out I see what these macho guys are talking about! Stuff I didn’t want to believe! I always thought of a woman as a princess and as my equal! But it won’t get you a date fellas! If you do get a good woman that loves you for you, let me know! Just tell me to take a seat first so I don’t hit the floor full force from passing out! I said before that I put on a macho act, and it worked! But I could not play games and misrepresent myself! I am a straight to the point guy that has neither time for games nor the patience. If someone can’t love me for me, then there as useless as the rocks in my driveway! Don’t get me wrong here! I love having friends that are girls! I can see a woman’s point of view which makes me get along with a female a whole lot better than males! But I am still a guy. A guy that has feelings! And for the most part I feel shit on by most of the females in my high school days and my early adult hood. I feel that the way I was regarded by women was and still is the corner stone of my psychological damage that had a hand in the manifestation of Caution. I don’t think there is any repair. But I am who I am now, there’s no taking it back! I think I’m like many other hopeless romantics out there; I’m just a reusableman. It’s ironic I would choose female friends over male friends, don’t you think?